meta-olympic fire

Sometimes I think that watching the Olympics should count as exercise. After just ten minutes of watching athletes swim, jog, and run, I feel like I’ve had half an hour at the gym and I’m ready to order a good pizza to compensate for all the exertion! Eight years ago a thirteen year old kid […]

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missing our homeland

añorando patria

We live in society that does not believe in God, or rather, a society that believes in several gods—the god of money, the god of pleasure, the god of fame, the god of popularity, and the god of power; this presents a great challenge to our faith.The Second Reading speaks to this challenge. In this […]

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mass is useless

Today we hear the story of two sisters, Martha and Mary, who invite Jesus into their home. One of these women is very active and busy serving Jesus, the other is captivated by his mere presence, and sits listening to his feet. Martha, the active, busy woman, is frustrated with all the work she has to […]

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DON’T be nice

There is a phrase that has been widely used to unite the people of The United States, especially during World War II; later that century it was adopted as the national motto. This phrase, which calls on the spirit of the founding fathers of this country, is familiar to us all: “In God we trust.” […]

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confession secret

One week ago I had the blessing of traveling to Omaha to attend the priestly ordination of one of my seminary friends. The day after the ordination we went to the Zoo to see the aquarium. It was amazing to witness the bright and vivid colors of the fish, the textures of the corals, the […]

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