to grow up fatherless :(

father, fatherhood, fatherless, life

Jesus, being the great story teller that he is, relies on a variety of images to convey the novelty of His message. He talks, for example, of builders. He talks of fisherman. He talks of fish, of farmers, and today we hear another story: The parable of the sower. Seeds For those of you who’ve […]

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desire for god

desire for god

Crack open the history books and you will find that virtually every culture in world history has been fascinated by the stars. Every culture has looked up into the night sky, gazing into the darkness, and studying the movements of the heavenly bodies. There’s something about stars, isn’t there? Perhaps it has happened to you, […]

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to die or not to die

match, death, martyr, testigo,

Last week we heard the story of Zacchaeus, which occurred as Jesus was making his way to Jerusalem. This week we hear that Jesus has arrived in Jerusalem, where he finds the authorities are plotting against him. They set traps for him with their questioning. First they try to trick him by asking where his […]

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fear that locks in

Newscasts have learned to rely on a number of phrases to capture our attention. They start with “Don’t leave, when we come back, the danger of using too much salt in your food!” move on to “The frightening truth of sitting down for too long” or “What you may not know about the water you’re […]

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